Текст песни Faysal Sharif - Faysal Sharif is the direct descendant of the prophet Mohamed
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На этой странице находится текст песни Faysal Sharif - Faysal Sharif is the direct descendant of the prophet Mohamed, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
Reverend - Faysal Sharif A former Yemeni government official and Muslim royal who accepted Jesus Christ. Faysel Sharif is the direct descendant of the prophet Mohamed. He became convinced that there was more to the Jesus mentioned in the Koran that he had been taugth, and sought answers in the Bible. Файсал Шариф -- прямой потомок Мухаммеда и в прошлом министр Йемена, принял Иисуса Христа как своего Спасителя. Ища истину, он пришел к твердому убеждению что Иисус это намного больше чем о Нем упоминается в Коране и обратился к Библии. |
Reverend - Faysal Sharif
A FORMER YEMENI GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL AND MUSLIM ROYAL WHO ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST. FAYSEL SHARIF IS THE DIRECT DESCENDANT OF THE PROPHET MOHAMED. He Became Convinced That There Was More to the Jesus Mentioned in the Koran That He Had Been Taugth, and Sought Answers in The Bible.
Firesal Sharif - a direct descendant of Mohammed and in the past Minister Yemen, accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. Looking for the truth, he came to a firm conviction that Jesus is much more about him mentioned in the Quran and appealed to the Bible.