Who is your sponsor:
Me, e, Ghetto style records, me, me, me, me, one-two, foti sixx here, foti sixx life, who is your sponsor, me, me, me, brother bauyrym brother bracho, you don't get tired of being asking for money macho , you don't take change, you ride to the dacha, hoping only to earn your mother's luck, cars, PDA clothes, there is always a friend nearby, during the day glamorous things, at night the conqueror of the club, and you did not think to make money yourself, doing like a man without reaching into anyone's pocket, listen bro, you became a sponsor addicted, without dad-mom you are nobody, and you have a minuscule pocket, why are you doing this, I don’t understand, the supreme sponsor in your life, I warn you who is your sponsor for parents for every step, give you relaxation, feel life relish, no Nekst is not a fool, just think for yourself, because if they are gone, you will turn into trash!
Baby, who is your sponsor, dad gave money, now you are a monster, major, lover or gigolo, take advice from Photi Sixx, take advice from Dogs
Baby, who is your sponsor, dad gave money, now you are a monster, major, lover or gigolo, take advice from Photi Sixx, take advice from Dogs
Difficult days, the guy is bankrupt, and not one of his exes now does not give, the heifers are not stupid when the money was not pecked by the hens, all eyes are on him, and now looks are with anger,
-Hello, hello, why are we going to the cinema?
-Ahh .. to the movies? Yes, we have not been there for a long time, after about an hour the situation is like this:
-Hi honey, hello dear, you will not believe, someone stole my wallet, there is money, credit cards,
- Maybe you just lost it?
-Yes, hell knows. Well, I don’t even know, buy a ticket and I’ll give you back tomorrow, I’ll answer, once or twice, she coughed, a week later the heifer disappeared, and now he sits with swollen eggs, the guy is bankrupt, and his eyes are like a Chinese
Baby, who is your sponsor, dad gave money, now you are a monster, major, lover or gigolo, take advice from Photi Sixx, take advice from Dogs
Baby, who is your sponsor, dad gave money, now you are a monster, major, lover or gigolo, take advice from Photi Sixx, take advice from Dogs
Baby, who is your sponsor, that agashka is a rich monster, buys rags, is engaged in PR, waits for a return, and you thought for nothing, start the lava now to have it later, it suits you, and maybe even gnaws, in his hands you are a puppet baby, who is yours the sponsor is the sun, who brings clones to the arena, who will pay for advertising for them, thank your mother for sponsorship, or maybe even your dad, I don't know without a bazaar, but fees burn fires, you think this raises the price tag, everything is clear, show -biz was created for the sake of money, you sell your anal, raising cash, and do not care who said what, the main thing is not to set your fuse on fire!
Baby, who is your sponsor, dad gave money, now you are a monster, major, lover or gigolo, take advice from Photi Sixx, take advice from Dogs
Baby, who is your sponsor, dad gave money, now you are a monster, major, lover or gigolo, take advice from Photi Sixx, take advice from Dogs