Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Away from the hunchbacked houses,
Girls and feather beds.
Third Rome. Fourth. Fifth.
Let's remember the names and dates,
Let's sing in chorus:
- Rome!!!
Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Beardless, bearded,
Old people, young people,
Those who don't drink, those who give up,
Evil sergeants and battalion commanders,
Vostra treasures.
Aty-bats, legions,
It's our time, it's time,
The sun is on bayonets.
Rome tenth. Millions
From Tashkent to Lyon
They praise the old man.
Hitlers, Napoleons,
Submarines, galleons,—
We are proud to help
Amphibrachius, peon,
The cry of trumpets, the moaning of bassoons:
Force! Glory!
Aty-baty... And invisibly,
Like a swear word among the mainstream,
Like fire in your hands
The wisdom of Rome, the stupidity of Rome,
The eternity of Rome, the frailty of Rome
Marches tirelessly
From ruins to centuries.