Here so many people changed the image, the actors left Grimm
Was it easier now, after the album? And isn't it finish?
Words ... Stubborn, like the Father. How many still waiting for the rings on the nameless?
Your peers won a bunch of plans: children, work, photo in the frame, career, diaper, mother-in-law, mother.
For some reason, for some reason, for some reason. well yes
Let the years will be smart, the old age is the case is hiring. We always have time, right?
There are tons of rows of non-reported, thousands of phrases of strange, at least 3 plots not removed and I did not show them
So you are at hand, and the muse is for curls. Take back when completely around? Rave
I removed the plaid and jump in the sneakers, night, go, where the eyes look. Another trip on Wednesday
By morning, wake up by the sea. The smell of freedom, calm, feel - it means I live
Chorus Fint:
I do not have enough words to describe these weekdays,
For hundreds of particles divided fate of ice
There is no day, then flying.
It is unlikely that the attraction will return me to the ground
I do not have enough words to describe these weekdays
For hundreds of particles divided fate of ice
There is no day flying.
While the weather allows the whole world will wait
"Need, Need!" - Everyone is stolen, "You have no time.
Where are they your fruits? Study, career, family.
Where are they? In bucks, rubles, what they say for you
Who are you and what are you at all, who wears the Earth? ...
Do not think, do and quickly.
The path here is thorny, while you drown in dreams the whole life flies "
Yes? Well, okay you, stupid. I do not want to find myself regretting about actions,
What I did not do or did, was - there was no chance in my hands, and I wasted, Iced.
Did not try to grab good luck
Boyfriend probably? Agree, stupid question.
So everything is fine. Somewhere moving.
The main thing is not standing back not looking offended
Something is not enough truth, it happened.
Which means that we still have something to do