Why the fuck did I give up to you? Why the fuck do you need me? To leave love, as children leave home unarmed in the rain. At such an altitude where there is no air, we’ll be whirled by drunk, smeared with pain, all the people died, the planet is destroyed, the bitch will be better. An empty world, I’m waiting for nothing, there are a thousand blades in power. Your cold look confirms your futility in the city stairs ... Remember, happiness is more important than life or death, and the word "love" has already spat on, and then again, understand everything without words, flying from their floors ... Stars fall from the sky with rockets, windows go out in the city of the dead ... A beautiful fairy tale will remain a fairy tale, you know the end, I know him too. Someone in me remembers and waits for you, embracing the soul inside the warmth, you have been looking for it in the empty world for so long: "Well, Che moron, found ???" Khrushchev will become abandoned, the red sky is dead suicides, and the sky is not line by line, a separator, supposedly here to understand and save. Sunlight - my drops were beaten by the roundabout branches in the November cold. I need you more than everyone here, but you do not need a fuck. I’m not the first to die, space, cold, train, Peter, your voice on your turnite, I can’t return, and don’t forget. The happiness of two kittens that parents will throw into a quantum ripple, and I have to drown it, drown it, drown it ... To kill it in myself, and get lost in orbit, a lonely robot enters a code to somehow confirm this. We are in a world where we are happy, the fire sword as a separator, the pain of resentment, and all hopes need to be drowned ...
It’s like I’m hungry for you, so drink to the bottom when you are sitting alone, stupidly weep that we are over ... But I honestly just wanted to learn how to fly, hold you by the shoulders, you don’t believe, but fuck for creativity ... When there is something more that was in your eyes, I read “Leave” in them, you read “Don’t leave” in mine. You’re always busy, I know, but you chose to trample our castle made of sand with your foot ... I feel like you are drunk, but I’m not drunk ... Yes, we have love with you, but it’s something else with him . It has confidence and a core, I understand. But believe me - all this is a cry of the soul, I’ll go away right now ... But I believed in us, prayed snotty verses, looking only for you to be happy. All my life it’s like a tunnel, at the end of which you are light, I feel like it’s for you, but suddenly you started to sober up ... Please save me from yourself, I’m ready to fly from your house roofs behind your tracks. You got it - there’s only a chance between us, because I, too, am not a robot, so that my whole life will lose chances. I’m like your hunger, pour me completely sad. Not to your taste - yes dick with him, drink not a snack. Yes, I am disgusting in appearance, but with the scent of love. Do not replace me with others - if so, then stop drinking ...