About the common flag,
With a desire and a purpose,
All to Him by swearing,
To bind the covenant for salvation.
He's just out of war,
Born a traitor,
Who is a man is not afraid,
I'm dying, I'm dying like a martyr.
We will carry weapons in our hands,
To defend the Homeland in every place,
We do not share our rights,
Enemies have no place here.
That the Lord Himself said it verbally,
As nations disappear over the earth,
Yes Albania will live,
For him, for us to fight.
Example Font:
Obъediminims in all around
I have acne and allergies.
Pledge serve our common word
In our fight for self.
Predestine birthdays,
Отречется от борьбы.
Ибо испугаться canт каждый,
But a sword-bearer and a warrior!
Weapons in our armor,
Zahitim Clear your own,
Rights give us the net,
I come back no place!
Lord God alone,
What the nation of Zemle does not budge,
But Albania budet жить,
For me, for Albania, I give my support