In a twilight of streets
I slap the thick chickens.
Dreamy eyes
I am a survivor.
Death is already close -
She came.
Death is already close -
I found you.
Death is already close.
I went for corner, I saw a girl,
It has a handbag and a cool chain.
Pulled out the knife, pulled twice:
Once, two. Get, infection!
Death is already close.
Death is already close.
Death is already close.
Death is already close.
Get pussy!
I go to the bar, open the door,
There, some man sings some kind of guy.
Give a gun ...
Now you know what a blowjob is!
Dutch takes, fell, in his mouth.
Barman from fear bluings.
Shooting: times, times, times.
Get, Pidoras!
Death is already close.
Death is already close.
Death is already close.
Death is already close.
Understood, bitch, pussy?
An awkward silence. Enters the curtain
And, see, instead of his head, he is really Kher.
He says: "Stand, Police! Alliluya, Police!"
I get all my ammunition.
I start shooting: Bach, Bach! Like this! Bach, Bach, again!
Bartender embarcates the brain by chance. Sorry, Pidoras!
I shoot a cop in a repliment - gets into the heart.
Well? Then good luck to everyone guys-peppers!
Death is already close.
Death is already close.
Death is already close.
Death is already close.
I will not pussy.
Fedya Shampars - Words, Voice and Living Harmonica
Arcasha Filatov - Acoustic Guitar and Bit, E!