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  • Текст песни Nicelback - If everyone cared

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    На этой странице находится текст песни Nicelback - If everyone cared, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    If Everyone Cared

    From underneath the trees, we watch the sky
    Confusing stars for satellites
    I never dreamed that you'd be mine
    But here we are, we're here tonight

    Singing Amen, I, I'm alive
    Singing Amen, I, I'm alive

    If everyone cared and nobody cried
    If everyone loved and nobody lied
    If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
    Then we'd see the day when nobody died

    And I'm singing

    Amen I, Amen I, I'm alive
    Amen I, Amen I, Amen I, I'm alive

    And in the air the fireflies
    Our only light in paradise
    We'll show the world they were wrong
    And teach them all to sing along

    Singing Amen, I, I'm alive
    Singing Amen, I, I'm alive
    (I'm alive)

    [Chorus: x2]
    If everyone cared and nobody cried
    If everyone loved and nobody lied
    If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
    Then we'd see the day when nobody died

    And as we lie beneath the stars
    We realize how small we are
    If they could love like you and me
    Imagine what the world could be

    If everyone cared and nobody cried
    If everyone loved and nobody lied
    If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
    Then we'd see the day when nobody died
    When nobody died...

    If everyone cared and nobody cried
    If everyone loved and nobody lied
    If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
    Then we'd see the day when nobody died

    We'd see the day, we'd see the day
    When nobody died
    We'd see the day, we'd see the day
    When nobody died
    We'd see the day when nobody died

    В тот день (перевод )

    Стоя под деревьями, мы смотрим на небо,
    Путая звёзды со спутниками.
    Я и мечтать не мог о том, что ты станешь моей,
    Но сегодня ночью - вот мы здесь вдвоём.

    И я пою: «Аминь, я жив!»
    И я пою: «Аминь, я жив!»

    В день, когда люди начнут заботиться о чувствах других,
    Когда воцарится любовь и не останется места для лжи,
    Когда люди научатся щедрости и переступят через свою гордость,
    В этот день они обретут бессмертие…

    И я пою:

    Аминь, Аминь, я жив!
    Аминь, Аминь, я жив!

    Светлячки, летающие над нами, -
    Единственный источник света в этом раю для двоих.
    Мы покажем всем, что они были неправы,
    И попросим их петь вместе с нами.

    Я пою: «Аминь, я жив!»
    Я пою: «Аминь, я жив!»
    (я жив)

    [Припев: 2 раза]
    В день, когда люди начнут заботиться о чувствах других,
    Когда воцарится любовь и не останется места для лжи,
    Когда люди научатся щедрости и переступят через свою гордость,
    В этот день они обретут бессмертие…

    Под бескрайним небосводом
    Мы осознаём собственную ничтожность.
    Если бы все любили, как мы с тобой,
    Только представь, каким бы стал мир!

    В день, когда люди начнут заботиться о чувствах других,
    Когда воцарится любовь и не останется места для лжи,
    Когда люди научатся щедрости и переступят через свою гордость,
    В этот день они обретут бессмертие…
    Обретут бессмертие…

    В день, когда люди начнут заботиться о чувствах других,
    Когда воцарится любовь и не останется места для лжи,
    Когда люди научатся щедрости и переступят через свою гордость,
    В этот день они обретут бессмертие…

    Мы доживём, мы доживём до того дня,
    Когда люди обретут бессмертие.
    Мы доживём, мы доживём до того дня,
    Когда люди обретут бессмертие.
    Мы доживём до того дня, когда люди обретут бессмертие

    Смотрите также:

    Все тексты Nicelback >>>

    If Everyone Cared

    From underneath the trees, we watch the sky
    Confusing stars for satellites
    I never dreamed that you'd be mine
    But here we are, we're here tonight

    Singing Amen, I, I'm alive
    Singing Amen, I, I'm alive

    If everyone cared and nobody cried
    If everyone loved and nobody lied
    If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
    Then we'd see the day when nobody died

    And I'm singing

    Amen I, Amen I, I'm alive
    Amen I, Amen I, Amen I, I'm alive

    And in the air the fireflies
    Our only light in paradise
    We'll show the world they were wrong
    And teach them all to sing along

    Singing Amen, I, I'm alive
    Singing Amen, I, I'm alive
    (I'm alive)

    [Chorus: x2]
    If everyone cared and nobody cried
    If everyone loved and nobody lied
    If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
    Then we'd see the day when nobody died

    And as we lie beneath the stars
    We realize how small we are
    If they could love like you and me
    Imagine what the world could be

    If everyone cared and nobody cried
    If everyone loved and nobody lied
    If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
    Then we'd see the day when nobody died
    When nobody died ...

    If everyone cared and nobody cried
    If everyone loved and nobody lied
    If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
    Then we'd see the day when nobody died

    We'd see the day, we'd see the day
    When nobody died
    We'd see the day, we'd see the day
    When nobody died
    We'd see the day when nobody died

    On that day (translation)

    Standing under the trees , we look at the sky,
    Confusing stars with satellites .
    I could not even dream that you'll be mine,
    But tonight - here we are as a couple .

    And I sing , "Amen , I'm alive !"
    And I sing , "Amen , I'm alive !"

    On a day when people will start to care about the feelings of others ,
    When the reign of love and there will be no room for lies,
    When people learn generosity and stepping over his pride
    On this day, they will gain immortality ...

    And I sing :

    Amen , Amen , I'm alive !
    Amen , Amen , I'm alive !

    Fireflies flying over us -
    The only source of light in this paradise for two.
    We will show everyone that they were wrong ,
    And ask them to sing along with us.

    I sing , "Amen , I'm alive !"
    I sing , "Amen , I'm alive !"
    ( I'm alive )

    [ Chorus: 2x ]
    On a day when people will start to care about the feelings of others ,
    When the reign of love and there will be no room for lies,
    When people learn generosity and stepping over his pride
    On this day, they will gain immortality ...

    Under the vast firmament
    We are aware of his own insignificance .
    If everyone loved , like you and me ,
    Just imagine what would become the world !

    On a day when people will start to care about the feelings of others ,
    When the reign of love and there will be no room for lies,
    When people learn generosity and stepping over his pride
    On this day, they will gain immortality ...
    Will gain immortality ...

    On a day when people will start to care about the feelings of others ,
    When the reign of love and there will be no room for lies,
    When people learn generosity and stepping over his pride
    On this day, they will gain immortality ...

    We dozhivёm , we live to see the day
    When people will gain immortality.
    We dozhivёm , we live to see the day
    When people will gain immortality.
    We live to see the day when people will gain immortality

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