Club'a Racing banner in the background acquired skyline
the passenger seat green bottle of Sprite Lajma
Start to final , where he ZNAET priehal and What It is not legal.
Opasaetsâ mentov - Properly, the Ippodromskoj and Krylova
Sedna gay dating , there staâmi sletaûtsâ Fans sight gonok ékstremalʹnogo .
Asphalt zerkalʹnyj , couple of Bonnet , muffler izvergaet flame
It just rap, ecstasy , are difficult to profile fas . Red lights go . Fas !
Of Edo motion then injection , in a half gas.
Excellent Switching two corps razryva , explosion , except kilooborotov
Opponent dog , brush pressed button nitrous nitrogen after the last circle .
Our eyes do not vosprinimaût signals stop . Always Gorit green blue number to evil .
Speakers of pret hip - hop , speed plavit Glass
Auto does not moe kareta Sukam and grave in Ney not Smoked cigarette and cigar .
And so Hvataet grilled ostavlâem home samovars , Elevators in bars .
When no parking for podonkov interested Boardwalks .
Eeeee ...
Drag Racing for the quarter slyšení rev engines
Drag Racing by Features Features to strictly
402 meters RSX or Integra SkyLine or Impreza
It Drag Racing
Drag Racing for the quarter slyšení rev engines
Drag Racing by Features Features to strictly
402 meters RSX or Integra SkyLine or Impreza
It Drag Racing
This Race illegal , bratka , This is Real - here will be bright .
Two eagles are waiting to start Fights . Who will win ?
Tut Each of the farce mašinka . Thirst finish, uncle Miraz
NACA ožidaj Parnis . Davaja Basis Set to con
Delajo Vesi Brace Regards macho
Ha ! Fory not ZDI , Vesi Sny concepts, eyes raskroj
Ty you see front soboju sediment dust .
Amigo , hey battle , sorvi prizes , border Trails Hot and sweat Vidnyi .
Gas pedal in half
izvergaet flames as volcano Glushak trunk
with a roar of thunder airports î å , foot on gas
The hand on the lever -ty in Očage storm
Optikaemaâ Honda nineteen inch chrome and freedom
Nehvatka speed you vážnej , than lack oxygen .
That the extent of outrageous : road, always a Purpose : victory . By Features always be the first one - TVOE credo
Obgonââ in streams from similar lions and Barsam
Kolesami kogtâmi razryvaešʹ canvas Trails ,
ostavlââ Scars to see brake paths .
At Ney Mercáu in sacred far and fonarej
Ty Presses Forward More silʹnej , Bystrej
Motor revet zlej , than wild beasts.
In dolâh seconds of measures time
What do finish More čutok , and VOT she Cert.
Greet Himself TY defeated
Bratok , road our old house !
Drag Racing for the quarter slyšení rev engines
Drag Racing by Features Features to strictly
402 meters RSX or Integra Sky Line or Impreza
It Drag Racing
Drag Racing for the quarter slyšení rev engines
Drag Racing by Features Features to strictly
402 meters RSX or Integra Sky Line or Impreza
It Drag Racing