That was prohladnenko
I can still remember , it is not unambiguous and indefinite notion that winter is cold
I disagree , I deme that contrary winter heat well mainly in tropical countries , and we have of course the north holodno.Ved nobody said that winter can be teplo.Eto stupid.
And back to the topic . In principle, the principle objective of this was not possible , even though we could act . But then the question is why not act ? It was not until the end of pponyatno why act . Skeleton or what it is we are fighting is not clear.
There were of course what that speculation , but osnnogo sense , the main ideas was not
But we have gathered into a fist . And they went . Walked . Walked away, about three hundred meters . Sat there , then there podstelil podstilochku , lyahli , and stood , and stood Th is not clear.
Lyahli like apples and already vstali.Reshili 've stole . Well just got up so it is necessary yayulok 've stole , well if it was lying on pears steal as caterpillars , what type of stealing pears , and stood up, then all the monkeys .. apples .. banana , well, bananas do not grow in Naas , you know? So apples
Doleche went , had covered about thirty kilometers , before giving up near there Zobor and for Zobor dog filthy , but apples do not grow there , so not climb began , went further. And then there was not even Zobor; stood a lone apple tree next to the suburban areas , so we basically did not even steal. Some sort of policeman would say that we do not do well , but we just were forced to do it because we needed a snack !