The case of the north was in a remote area,
Term in the camps serving young lad,
Throughout the area he sounded wonderful,
All respected and given klikuhu & quot; & quot ;. Sedoi
Throughout the area he sounded wonderful,
All respected and given klikuhu & quot; & quot ;. Sedoi
Somehow comes grizzled letter ordered,
Writes on the gray-haired zone darling mother:
& Quot; I got sick, what about the mountain, my son,
And not like seeing you die. & Quot;
& Quot; I got sick, what about the mountain, my son,
And not like seeing you die. & Quot;
Eyebrows, eyes Gray immediately darkened,
All noticed that Gray's voice trembled,
At dawn, when all was superiors,
All announced that they fled at night or gray.
A month later, a letter arrives custom,
Writes on the gray-haired zone darling mother:
& Quot; I recover, what about happiness, my son,
And the return of your father waited. & Quot;
& Quot; I recover, what about happiness, my son,
And the return of your father waited. & Quot;
Rumors went that Gray to escape were killed,
Grief killed, buried Gray's father,
But never, and none of the family does not know,
Where and when was buried this fugitive.
But never, and none of the family does not know,
Where and when was buried this fugitive.