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  • Текст песни Rocksteady - Бонго

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    На этой странице находится текст песни Rocksteady - Бонго, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    What's wrong with the sky
    I can't look at it
    Why does it cry, so often
    As if Jah sheds tears

    Once you forgive yourself
    We'll see the sunshine again
    Don't forget who you are
    He'll free you from the chains

    Куда-же завели, тропы тебя
    Позабыт был мир, и позабытого вела волна
    С ружьем в руках, смерть полна боли
    Где нет начала и нет конца

    И нет покоя в душе, и я
    Не в силах все вернуть и вновь задышать
    И нет, и всё, и никак, и я
    Себя черпал, все мысли на листах

    Давай бить в бонго
    Не жалей, бей в бонго
    До небес труби да громко
    Отгоним зло надолго

    Давай бить в бонго
    Не жалей, бей в бонго
    До небес труби да громко
    Отгоним зло надолго

    Лечи мелодия
    Вновь накрыла фобия
    Беги от мира бренного
    Летели пули, рушилась империя

    Цени время неба мирного
    Собери себя, не нагнетай
    Чела бедами добитого
    И так тошно без тебя

    На пределе были нервы
    И без того до боли, худо, бедны
    Переменами давили дилеммы
    Окропи небеса родные земли

    Давай бить в бонго
    Не жалей, бей в бонго
    До небес труби да громко
    Отгоним зло надолго

    Давай бить в бонго
    Не жалей, бей в бонго
    До небес труби да громко
    Отгоним зло надолго

    What's wrong with the sky
    I can't look at it
    Why does it cry, so often
    As if Jah sheds tears

    Once you forgive yourself
    We'll see the sunshine again
    Don't forget who you are
    He'll free you from the chains

    What's Wrong with the Sky
    I canhet look at it
    Who sods it gr.
    As if jah sheds tears

    Once You Forgive Yourself
    We'll See The Sunshine AGain
    Don`t Forget Who You Are
    He'll free from the Chains

    Where they started it, trails of you
    The world was forgotten, and a wave led the forgotten
    With a gun in his hands, death is full of pain
    Where there is no beginning and there is no end

    And there is no rest in the soul, and I
    Unable to return everything and smoke again
    And no, that’s all, and nothing, and I
    Scooped himself up, all thoughts on the sheets

    Let's beat in Bongo
    Do not regret, beat in Bongo
    To heaven a trumpet and loud
    We will drive away the evil for a long time

    Let's beat in Bongo
    Do not regret, beat in Bongo
    To heaven a trumpet and loud
    We will drive away the evil for a long time

    Treat the melody
    The phobia covered again
    Run away from the brave world
    Bullets flew, the empire collapsed

    Appreciate the time of the sky peace
    Collect yourself, do not overshadow
    A brow with the troubles
    And so sick without you

    There were nerves at the limit
    And without pain, bad, poor
    Dilems pressed the changes
    Okropy heaven native lands

    Let's beat in Bongo
    Do not regret, beat in Bongo
    To heaven a trumpet and loud
    We will drive away the evil for a long time

    Let's beat in Bongo
    Do not regret, beat in Bongo
    To heaven a trumpet and loud
    We will drive away the evil for a long time

    What's Wrong with the Sky
    I canhet look at it
    Who sods it gr.
    As if jah sheds tears

    Once You Forgive Yourself
    We'll See The Sunshine AGain
    Don`t Forget Who You Are
    He'll free from the Chains

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