random zalet , pregnancy , marriage, courtship
do not think is bad, but if I knew it would not satel
campaign tipsy now smiling like a fool Yeah
I want to run away, to leave the city , where poher - she wants to get married
white dress, garter gold , ahuititelny list of girlfriends
contented mother-in-law , wedding cake, it is better in it - for dinner tonight
one more toast and your Dad in hlaminu , long live squirrel!
I assure you , Victor Mikhailovich, it was Tselkov , fucking Tselkov
remove limousine , beads, ribbons , tubes , ribbons - pay off dick
My boys are romance, love it all - right now burst into tears
Pull yourself together , go to the toilet with a friend and nanyuhaysya
Today in white dance lace, lace , lace
it is not a wedding , and wild Sabbath
why your mom dances like Nicki Minaj ?
All your relatives cry - Simon let ebash
get up to me on the floor , no papers - Screw in pita bread
complete failure , for friends ashamed - it is better to not call
ask them why not do without fighting the wedding?
why I'm stoned , why so much drink that will be tomorrow
yes because sober I do not understand !
I say at once - I do not need a vacuum cleaner with pots and irons
at least once in your life , do not be asshole , do a normal gift money
can be in the envelope can be a card that you can bank transfer
I've got a bunch of loans to pay , the bride would run away if she knew
toastmaster all bazaar incessantly, as if to shut it , listen, Zavala
step aside , right now, start dirty dancing with Natalie
Pull yourself together , go to the toilet with a friend and nanyuhaysya
Today in white dance lace, lace , lace
it is not a wedding , and wild Sabbath
why your mom dances like Nicki Minaj ?
All your relatives cry - Simon let ebash
get up to me on the floor , no papers - Screw in pita bread