It is no secret that friends do not grow in the garden ,
Not sell and you can not buy friends ,
And that's why I 'm running down the road
With the magic gramophone in his carriage .
Under sad moo , under vigorous growl
Under the friendly neigh is born
The big secret for the small ,
For a small company such
For such a modest company
Such a huge secret.
It is no secret that the friends of this honor and courage,
This loyalty, courage and honor ,
And the courage and honor is Knight and sword
All swallowers swords never let them eat .
Under sad moo , under vigorous growl
Under the friendly neigh is born
The big secret for the small ,
For a small company such
For such a modest company
Such a huge secret.
It is no secret that the friends flee skipping ,
Do not want to sit on a chain .
They can not get for no gingerbread
Idleness and boredom baldet .
Under sad moo , under vigorous growl
Under the friendly neigh is born
The big secret for the small ,
For a small company such
For such a modest company
Such a huge secret.
It is no secret that the friends in love clouds
Carried away on the wings and without ,
But the rush to us, if we are being bullied ,
We were even thrown out of heaven.
Under sad moo , under vigorous growl
Under the friendly neigh is born
The big secret for the small ,
For a small company such
For such a modest company
Such a huge secret.
Oh, it was used only with someone ,
Oh, it was used only with someone ,
Oh , it was only used to talk to.
Oh, it was used then , ah, it was used then ,
Oh, it was used then , ah, it was used only
With whom to talk.