It is all so fucking himself swell ,
business , it is important just pissed .
Prices are currently not folded, vebatsya , swell ,
vyёbyvaetsya , Pant swell ..
Swell loves to ride in a foreign car ,
still loves loot, on the bubble with a girlfriend shabby.
Swell loves fur coats and expensive dress , walk to restaurants and clubs to hang out
Goes only in the left lane , she's swell ..
Circle what you like , do not fuck , I swell !
Only drink expensive wine , swell ..
Not stuck to swell badyagoy nazhiratsya .
It is all so fucking himself swell ,
business , it is important just pissed .
Prices are currently not folded, vebatsya , swell ,
vyёbyvaetsya , Pant swell ..
Appreciates only material swell .
When sees BMW, ready to piss .
For loot ready around the clock to overstrain ,
then back to the restaurant with his girlfriend shabby.
Always vsezde vovsёm rights and our swell ,
anyone is to blame , but do not swell .
Only with such a man will fuck swell ,
that will do just what to say swell ..
It is all so fucking himself swell ,
business , it is important just pissed .
Prices are currently not folded, vebatsya , swell ,
vyёbyvaetsya , Pant swell ..