But the story of the life of the old Rastaman. Wakes up, in short, old Rastaman at home and thinks two thoughts. The first thought: Oh, Nishtyak. Well, it is a purely abstract thought, it always thinks that he always thinks as he wanted: oh, nishtyak. Because nishtyak in kind. The body is like a feather, roof as a chief, inside the stomach of emptiness. But the second thought, he thinks: and it would be nice to rise well and something from nishtyakov yesterday would be nice. Because there are normal Nishtyakov left, the type of carbon black bank, a bunch of bread, the potatoes of the floor cauldron, in short, neither the figs left the nishtyakov. And here he gets up and goes to sharpen them.
And nishtyakov, shorter, no. Empty cauldron stands, and that's it. Even bread is not left. No, nothing, in short. And the Rastaman thinks loudly: and who is my nishtyaki all scrambled? And from under the cabinet, a sturder postal voice respite: it's a nishtyaki your thoughts !!! Rastaman was even surprised: that is, how is it "I scraped your nishtyaki"? This can not be such, just do that I scribble your nishtyaki. And in general, you know, do not land, because for your nishtyak, there is no bazaar. Where, in general, on my hut your nishtyaki? You drive, shorter, oh, drive ... And the voice says to him: moron! I repeat again: I scribal nishtyaki! And Rastaman says to him: and who you are just like that on my phlato they call me a moron. Well, if you're so cool, shaking with-under the closet, I'll show you right now, who is the owner in the house. And the voice answers him: yes, I'm cool! Hold on, goat, for a chair, I will get out of you now!
Well, Rastaman, in short, took the chair. It is worth it looks, and nobody climbs with a cabinet. Well, he, in short, stunned the minutes of half an hour and went for bread. Returned, sat down hawl. Suddenly hears from under the cabinet: dude, it's good to drive! Give bread!
Rastaman looks there, and from there with a characteristic gait climbs a green mouse with red eyes. And he says: Well, give bread! And Rastaman her: Hrenushki! NOT FIG was a moron to call me. Well, climb back under the closet, do not bother me to haw. Then the mouse lashes under the closet and from there it will enclose: (I skip the mats) a piece of bread for a poor mouse, and then it snapped! Well, wait: I'll get out at night, I say everything again.
And dumped. And Rastaman sent to treason. He is at night or sleeps, or hangs. The situation does not control, in short. And the mouse, she, firstly, does not sleep at night, he sees everything in the darkness, it is necessary to bother now to hide from her so that she does not sharpen it. This is so strained, in short, as in war, now and do not smoke normally, all the time you have to think for the mouse so that it does not want anything. Scored oblique, smoked - and it does not rush! Such a mice - came and all the kayf forever broke out.
Then Rastaman thinks: it is probably now you need to find a rastaman cat and sign her so that it is sorted out with mice. And the Rastaman Cat is not a problem. Because it is like in the evening of the Rastaman milk drunk, so still lies in the middle of the hut, as a bag with a drape. And the Rastaman begins to brake her, behind the ears, for the mustache, behind the tail and so on. In the end, she opens the left eye and says: Oh, nishtyak! And then now nishtyakov is sharpened. Then Rastaman is patiently and intelligibly breathe it in a situation with nishtyaki and a subsection mice, which should be urgent. The cat listens carefully, and then says: Well, the dude, I just understand that there will be no breakfast, yes? Well, then I still scream, okay? And closes his left eye back.
And here are friends-rastamany and find their friendship on the floor near the dead cat in a terrible treason. And they say: brothers, do not fall out! Now we will now smoke this mouse, so that she does not bure himself here. And the mouse is s-under the cabinet: where to cheat me, the horses of the red eyelids! He shared, in short. And C-under the cabinet will not climb.
Then the rastamans get fierce and develop a brutal plan, how this mouse with-under the cabinet drive and cruelly punish. In short, it means: two rastaman should stand on the chairs and brush the closet from above, one more rastaman should knock on the cabinet with a fist, one more one will be shaved under the wardrobe, and more about