This world has a name, my country, my country,
Do you like it now?
My love for the land of fire, which is always burning like the sun.
How old are you, Stran Ogden, you love me
Let it rise to the tops of that invisible flag,
Get out of the flag until you hit the flag
One day we will return, and we will land every single order.
Hit the snooze snug, inch inch deep
Every nation has its own place of birth,
Sketch the back of the head, remember the front,
In the spring of beauty it shines for the future,
Рас красрас ,ововововов,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, в, в в в в, ветететететететететететететвветвввввввввввв
Sacrifice Azerbaijan on this sacred land
There are no translations available
Take a look at the brave home, let every mother rejoice.
Смотря на свё хрророе дитё, пусты nail polish
Among the countries that have their word
Keep on hearing, move your mind
Where is the world so beautiful and so rich?
How much do you want, what kind of wealth do you have in the world?
The pride of my country, its heart. Inspired,
Hear My Goddesses
There is a perpetual feast on the road to happy days.
Well, let's go to the precursors ...
P.S-I am proud that I am Azerbaijan!