Burn the city on the way these hordes.
Destroyed villages, trampled rye.
And everywhere, quickly and eagerly, like a wolf,
These people are doing a robbery and robbery.
But is there some people? No one will believe
At a meeting with wearing uniforms zverёm.
They do not eat people - like animals,
Swallow the steam pork raw materials.
Their habits and not human,
Tell me, if anyone is capable of the people
Attempting an old man dragging a rope,
Raping the mother in front of children?
Bury the inhabitants of peaceful living,
For the guise that you are not one.
No! You're lying! Strange was named!
People have no one thinks for a long time.
You honor the war and in the field it
So you know what you have:
Targeting the wounded, burn hospitals,
Yes school bomb your soldiers honor?
We learned you for a short time,
And we understood that you have to battle leads.
Cold, happy, stupid and cruel,
But the meek and pathetic as the time comes.
And you, that you stand before me without a belt,
Hand hitting himself in the chest,
Popping my son and wife card,
You think I believe you? Not at all !!!
I have seen women with children face,
When you are shooting in an area of them.
Their blood hastily torn lapels,
On the sweaty palms of your cold.
As long as you're with someone who made heaven and earth
They want us to take, freedom and honor,
As long as you're with them - you're the enemy,
And long live the punishment and revenge.
You gray ash from the burned villages,
Over the life of awnings the shadow of his wings.
You thought we popolzёm on his knees?
Do not fear - rage you awakened in us.
We'll beat you all stronger hour by hour:
Bayonets and shells, knife and dubёm.
We'll beat you, you turn off landmine,
We mouth you sovёtskoy zabem Earth!
And let to the last hour of reckoning,
Day of celebration, close of the day,
I do not live like many children,
Who were better than me.
I am always your duty soldier object
And if we die, we choose friends,
That's better than death for their native land
And you can not choose ...