Words and execution:
Dima Kartashov - vk.com/dima_kartashov
RiDer - vk.com/rider86
prod. MC 77 - vk.com/mc_77
Exactly three years eased my anxiety,
I'm tired so ask for the love of God .
Though touchy , but you eventually spread her legs,
To log in you - do not need a login and password .
Couple seemed to many of our benchmark ,
It is not your prince , though crowned thee !
I could not stop - blue smoke , Schmal
I , too, will change everything about you, scum !
And I'm not sorry just stayed precipitate
From another to give birth ! My son - not a child of the herd .
Thank God! I passed these circles of hell ,
Now you look for happiness with another must ...
I wanted to build us a Taj Mahal
And prayed to God to be with you walked your way .
We are now strangers, and do not ask & quot; How are you ? & Quot;
We were not married, but the love of our marriage was ...
Why love so madly ,
You could change without cutting a knife.
Leave me in this city among others eyes,
Your fault that we are no more !
Dima Kartashov :
And I can handle , I have no free minutes
To miss , longing me pass
I live alone now . I can ? delirium
I do not like to have , but something inside jealous
To you , it's not me , it's unlikely I
Only a fool would miss unpleasant days
And I'm not one of those types , such as steep and strong
Type could leave and no holes in the chest plate
But no, there is a void, aching , burning
Only the pain you feel truly soul
And you know that I'd have sent it
But something in me to leave her
And in vain , now in the head with a new cockroach
I know his name , but I do not know how to drive
Well Nájera you changed for the eyes , a dog ?
You're not a woman. You are goods that appeared to marriage
And I could not do it , why should I lie all
With each thought about you I just feel sad
Jealousy is killing me , I do not struggle with it
I was pressing the load of those days , I was a coward because
I'm not one of those who will drop you on your knees
You chose another , well and be with him
The same wrong , what have you been up to me
You're an animal with marriage, it's yours poacher
Words and execution:
Dima Kartashov - vk.com/dima_kartashov
RiDer - vk.com/rider86
prod. MC 77 - vk.com/mc_77