The affairs of the flesh are known: they are the essence: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, infession, idol, magic, enmity, quarrel, envy, anger, spread, disagreements, temptations, heresy, hatred, murder, drunkenness, stepping and the like ..... ..... Message to Galatians 5 Chapter 19-21 Poems
Daily, hourly, commemorated, vigorously
someone sow frankly and very much
and left and right from the heartbar:
borrow sharp wormwood
stray irritation
envy coarse odd
Hybecredening Ovsugu
and buried dope
And in all-drawing.
In the ground, where wheat, barley, grape vines, figs and pomegranate trees, in the ground, where the Mulish trees and honey, in the ground in which you will be bread and you will not have a lack of bread, in which Stones - iron, and from the mountains of which you will carve copper. And when you eat and saturate, then the blessing of the Lord, your God, for the good land, which he gave you. Deuteronomy 8 Chapter 8-10 Poems
Of course, I forgive malicious sounders, for
I say loving "Thank you" weeds for the fact that we are
Right, reap these wonderful fruits:
abstinence sunflower
Mercy wheat,
Vintage free faith
Figs juicy hopes
and communicating grenades
And in all the love of Christ!