In those days , when we all have fallen so low ,
Everywhere I dream of a sacred image of yours,
With eyes full of divine sorrow,
With a face full of heavenly goodness .
You feel sorry I can not , dare not ,
To me you are still great .
Before you, my king , I again stand in awe ,
And hurt me to look at the content of your face .
Blind people , deceived by liars ,
For the purity of your soul holy
You branded shameful words
And the penalty demanded of whom are - at you.
Do not you fall down and treacherous king of Judah ,
Messiah truth national dream .
And the God of his criminal villains
Crucified on board the infamous Cross.
And the King was convicted of torture execution
Above all the people mocked the Divine .
And the people - killing monsters without fear
The one who created the world , the sea and the sky .
But beating the hell silent force of the coffin ,
Risen Lord , and all appeared again .
Defeated enemies monstrous anger
And the machinations of the evil dispelled love.
Until recently, you would bow before him ,
You swore to defend it to the grave .
And for the King - the leader , the owner of Russia
You promised to give life without a murmur .
And what happened? Where words , where loud vows ?
And allegiance inherent troops ?
Where are your ancestors sacred covenants ?
He cheated , he firmly believed you.
He is our age-old king , noble humility ,
In his heart he could contemplate whether ,
What are you willing to change the nationwide
Russian honor forever tarnish.
Traitors born slaves !
Freedom of false gives rest to you.
You will fill the country with bloody streams
And the flame will run on your cities .
No peace to you in a brothel debauchery ,
Will not slander and envy end.
Rise exuberant brother to the suffering brother
And a sword will raise the son of an old father.
Centuries will pass , but the people's meanness
From the pages of history are not crossed out the year.
The refusal of the King direct and noble
Slap in the face , you will be forever.
Centuries will pass , but the people's meanness
From the pages of history are not crossed out the year.
The refusal of the King direct and noble
Slap in the face , you will be forever.