My life will not daryl ,
And my soul just me not sprosyla ,
You otdalas , otdav all I have ,
Suddenly the night was not , was not and day.
In the eye zakruzhylos , mohu and fall ,
And the person told me - with you not divide ,
C neu dispute will not, I veryu lysh hey,
She said , "Your " shall mean Tvoey .
And with tears If moyh eye upadet ,
Your hand Only EE and third time,
Shepnesh me in the eye of prostыe words
And newly zakruzhytsya my head.
I have spoken with you , and with you I prosnus ,
Tebya rubbed Bolsheviks life afraid
As the air nuzhen me so nuzhen and òû ,
Pryzhmy k me heart and not otpusty .
When tebya net nastaet and the night ,
It kolotytsya heart , not sleep daet ,
When you patients , mean patient and me ,
If You will be schastlyv I'll vdvoyne .
We nychto slomaet not signifi We twice ,
Hand in hand We doydem to vertices ,
Technology and Samыy and samыy rodnoy man ,
Do not find me a òû How and by century !