sl. Abbess Taisiya (Leushinskaya)
muses. Irina Skorik
With what clean lips, O Virgo, will we please?
With what songs-praises, the Most Pure One, shall we honor you?
O Virgo, Virgo, miracle of virginity, miracle of imperishable beauty,
You are the Paraclite Bride, You are the perfection of purity!
You are the Daughter of Heavenly Father
You are the Mother of the Son, God of the Word,
You are the shining temple of the Divine,
House of the Holy Spirit.
You are the decoration of the whole universe,
You praise the faces of the mountains,
You are an earthborn update,
You are the faces of the virgin beauty!
And the fallen man received an uprising by Thee, Virgin,
He renewed his calling, tasted freedom of sonship!
And the sweat of Adam's labor, and the tears pouring out of his wife,
Your hand of the Divine Infant wiped us with a shroud!
You are at the right hand of God the Word
You stand in a wonderful radiance,
And us heavenly cover,
You cannot deprive your fellows ...
With what clean lips, O Virgo, will we please?
Blessed Eldress, Abbess Taisia Leushinskaya (Solopova M.V.) - the closest spiritual daughter of St. right. John of Kronstadt, who called her "The Chosen One of the Heavenly Queen." The abbess of the John the Baptist Monastery, the Women's Lavra of the Russian North, the creator of the female Thebais, the tree of 10 women's monasteries that grew from the Leushinsky root. Seeker, honored with the 7 apparitions of the Mother of God, and the apparitions of the Holy Trinity.
The spiritual poetry of Abbess Taisia is a unique spiritual diary of a nun. Being a relative of A.S. Pushkin, she inherited a multifaceted poetic gift, which was highly appreciated by St. John of Kronstadt. Songs were written on her poems both before the revolution and in our time.