Waking Again arose,
It has long been âñ prospavshym ,
Poshkryabav pod shower shower
C opaskoy vzhlyanul in glass.
And there razvodы to Roger
And s not otmыt It seems ,
Ty is clearly not become younger
And Suddenly Ring - lucky!
Call koreshok shalt Personal,
Otlychnыy and zakadыchnыy .
Yesterday and How òû prylychnыy ,
But Very Beaudry Call.
Konchay there Boleto dushoyu ,
Konchay skarpet over them;
I will feast thee Rev ,
I vыdumal super hit .
Become a buzz club itself and zabey on nevzhodы ,
Become a buzz club itself, of zasadы vыlaz ,
Become a buzz club itself , please smeshnыm and svobodnыm ,
Stal buzz club itself, mean life failed.
We affairs with you by the throat,
As Ved òû and I otorva .
Sohrazhdanok just Prorva ,
How can chasm im dat ?
Hosh polnuyu , hosh lean ,
We pokolyaduem nice .
Im whatsoever upon lyada ,
Poydem they uznavat .
Become a buzz club itself and zabey on nevzhodы ,
Become a buzz club itself, of zasadы vыlaz ,
Become a buzz club itself , please smeshnыm and svobodnыm ,
Stal buzz club itself, mean life failed.
We we should soryt Money ,
We let us friends ' houses ,
Zavalymsya k yhney mame ,
Tsarapnuv nymbom jamb .
Tomorrow vstretymsya Snow,
And all eschё Alive , Healthy ,
And Will Again note Cleves,
And byt was âñ nyshtyak !
Become a buzz club itself and zabey on nevzhodы ,
Become a buzz club itself, of zasadы vыlaz ,
Become a buzz club itself , please smeshnыm and svobodnыm ,
Stal buzz club itself, mean life failed.