Marie , Devo Pure , Holy Mother of God,
Rejoice, O Bride Nenevestnaya ,
Queen Mother Virgin, Fleece , all covers ,
Prevysshaya Heavenly Powers , uncreated radiance
Faces of girlish joy and Angels Prevysshaya ,
Heaven Fair Silo and light, above all lights,
More honorable than the Mistress of all the heavenly host ,
All the patriarchs hope prophets Design ,
In podvizeh you help, the ark of God the Word ,
And Glee virgins and mothers Otrado ,
Chastity Mistress , our souls, Purification,
Shirshov cloud cover , and the suffering Holt ,
Nemoschnh Cover and Mediatrix , hope unreliable ,
Marie , Mother of Christ , True God ,
Aaron Wand prozyabshy , vessels of quiet joy ,
All the orphans and widows of Consolation, and in times of trouble skorbeh assistance,
Sacred and Immaculate Lady Vsepetaya ,
Bow down to me mercy of God the son ,
Hodataytse salvation, limping , I cry to Thee:
Rejoice, O Bride Nenevestnaya .