Each scar has its own story. The story of the inflicted wound ... Some scars are noticeable - they are outside, others inside. Our scars narrate about our lives, but there are others, special marks. They tell a completely different story. The story, which from the beginning and to the end was a love story.
Preacher: Dmitry Puety
I. Everyone has their own scars
What are shrama
• breaking relationship, engagement break, divorce
• loneliness
• Dismissal
• Loss of housing, money, other material values
• Serious disease
• Death of a loved one
The most common examples are both Windows. But today we will talk about another person:
About David
Text 1 C 30: 1-6
On the third day after David and people went to Selag, the Amalikians attacked from the south to the sequel and took the sequel and burned it with fire,
2 and women who were in it, from small to the big, did not kill, but took captive, and went through their own way.
3 And David came and his people to the city, and so, it burned with fire, and their wives and their sons and their daughters were captured.
4 and raised David and the people, former with him, a cry, and cried, the current did not fall in them to cry.
5 were captured and both Wives David: Ahinoama Israelian and Aviagy, Naval's wife, carmilite.
6 David was very confused, as the people wanted to beat him with stones; For I grieved the soul all the people, everyone about his sons and their daughters.
David led the war of the Lord (1 Tsar 25:28)
Life is not fair
God is more than fair
II. How to react to new wounds
Sorry - Normal (denial, care, anger ...
Someone to blame)
Build bridges or walls
Two examples: I and the philosopher from the film "God did not die"
LK 22: 31-32. Yes no urching faith
Wanderer I on Earth
Appreciate every new day - in our power
III. Issues of the wounded and answers of the healer
3.1 Why am I?
3.2 For what?
3.3 Where is God?
• Doctors, feel your wounds like their own
• Near the Death Valley
3.4 What's next? This is a more correct question.
3.5 God guilty or is it a skillful lie of the real culprit?
3.6 God corrected, corrects and finally fix
He took illness (weakness and illness - pain and suffering) IP 53: 4
There will be no diseases receive 21: 4
Horticulture - in Methods, Methods can pay to the babysitting (crying 5:15 and PS 29:12)
3.7 Wounds we were healed
Christ has scars will remain like a reminder of his love
The stories of David, Nominee, Iova ended well
Read "Where God, when I suffer" and other similar books
Talk to trusted people about your grief. Listen to the flavored
To live on