???? LK., 35 Zac., VIII, 5-15
5 The sower was released to sow his seed, and when he sowed, another fell on the road and was sweeping, and the birds of heaven knew him; 6 And another fell on a stone and, having risen, dried, because there was no moisture; 7 And another fell between thorns, and thorns grew and drowned it; 8 And another fell on the good land and, going around, brought the fruit of the fruit. Having said this, headed: who has ears to hear, yes hears!
9 Pupils asked him with him: what would be the parable of this?
10 He said: You can know the secrets of the kingdom of God, and others in the parables, so that they see do not see and hears do not understand.
11 That's what the parable of this: Seed is the Word of God; 12 and fallen on the way, these are the essence of listening to which the devil comes and takes the word from the heart of them so that they do not believe and not saved; 13 and fallen on a stone, these are those that when hear the Word will be happy to accept, but who do not have a root, and the time believe, and during the temptation, they disappear; 14 and fallen in Turn, these are those who listen to the Word, but, the departure, concerns, wealth and enjoyment of everyday life and do not bring fetus; 15 A fallen to good land, these are those who, having heard the Word, keep it in a good and clean heart and bring a fruit in patience. Having said it, he headed: who has ears to hear, yes hears!