Baynky , baynky ,
sleep, oral, My little ...
Return to the barrels
Under the head cam .
Sleep in pens Derzsy ,
something prysnytsya - rasskazhy .
Kohl plane da Cutter ,
thou carpenter , As father.
And yes prysnytsya bread knife -
nobility In other putem poydesh .
Baynky , baynky ,
sleep, oral, My little ...
If krepkaya Stan -
Will True wife .
A Dry prysnytsya bitches -
know, yzmenyt luchshyy friend.
Baynky , baynky ,
sleep, oral, My little ...
If prysnytsya wild beast ,
thou slavnыm and great !
If Zherdiy Crest on Zherdiy -
zhdet tebya durnaya death.
Baynky , baynky ,
sleep, oral, My little ...
Return to the barrels
Under the head cam .
Sleep in pens Derzsy ,
something prysnytsya - rasskazhy .