This is not apathy, and certainly not depression.
Most likely tired and just infuriates everything.
But it should be anyway, after a while it will become easier.
The main thing is not to get used to, so as not to stay like this forever.
I don't remember how long I have been in this situation.
But we must try to somehow get out of this location.
and pull out those who happened to be with me in the same way.
There is no point in staying like that, you have to fight, take your swords
This state, as if running was imperceptibly replaced by a calm step.
I walk slowly and my consciousness whispers that I was already late anyway.
As if I forgot everything I knew, I forgot how to feel before
Tired of telling the story, hung again on the rope of fatigue.
And I do not climb higher, but gradually ... I began to go down half.
And the main epicenter of all this one hundred percent is
dull monotony and the fact that nothing changes.
The same pictures every time
When asked "how was your day?" I answer that "Past"
In addition to all this, it seems that time flies faster.
There is a fear of not being in time for something, as if I am on the edge of me. I must be aware of the events, but there is no mood, and ...
Now I would like to go somewhere far away to the islands.
Where is the sea, palm trees, a beach of sand.
You don't need to need anything, you don't need to look for anything.
Where no one can reach me.
I will be alone there, as if we were to switch places with Robinson.
There is no need to wait for this cold to finally pass
The weather will give no reason to doubt it again.
Shit ... how awesome it would be
Barefoot or in slates, walking along the beach.
One on one with yourself, the opinions of others are not important!
And it's not scary that almost everyone wants this.
It's just a desire to cope, or to get rid of problems.
Which end in either a scandal or nothing.
who saw and saw you, which you would drown.
I'm tired, I need help like a drowning person.
I can't do it myself, come on come closer to me!
Please, bring me back to life, to the connection
Forever, at once, please, get out of this mud!
half-asleep, obviously due to this lack of sleep,
subsequently lethargy of the body, and the mood is also cunt.
hands fall, but the eyes still see, the ears hear sounds.
and heartbeats don't let me fall
and for about a month laziness sat down on the shoulders, legs dangling
neither sad, not fun, empty and uninteresting.
forgotten beats, minuses, all together and all these texts, damn it.
living without ideas, chewing, burning days ..
there are no sparks and lights. and I would rather go to her.
but we are again in the rubble, because one cannot but argue without
and it's time, like, to stop spoiling everything.
it's time to end this whole story.
or just put an end to this fucking state.
I'm already sick of these pens, which are covered in places, but it will soon become easier.
I'll blame the past and get up as if nothing had happened.
not seriously fucking, it's all so completely fucked up.