What are you thinking when you paint vile tracts, boy?
The gates of paradise are closed for you, sinner, but you are encroaching on the truth.
Your new thoughts in quotation marks are meaningless.
From childhood, your words and thoughts were unclean.
Say, having repented, confess sincerely.
Does it make sense to climb into the scorching heat, like you, burn your life furiously.
Waging a war against faith, your labors will never be recognized.
I would live like everyone else, not stand out, pay taxes on time.
Worked, cultivated a garden, would marry, drink vodka with the boys,
I would sin with the girls in the bath.
On Sundays you went to church for confession.
Boy, don't get involved in politics, keep your notions of life with you.
Grow a tree, build a house, raising a son,
Heresy skipping by.
Take a look around. What do you see around you?
Would you like to prove to me that the earth is round?
Fear God, punishment, inquisition, believe in Christ.
Burning in a fire is not the best choice, life is given one.
Paleno at the head of the bed, scanty food on the plate.
He was more educated than princes, poorer than beggars.
I looked at the truth of scholasticism critically.
But, like no one, logically he threw away blind faith.
By the method of search and intelligence by the sphere,
I saw the teachings of the holy church, a hundred years old.
The true meaning is only the infinity of the universe.
The archbishops recognized the strength of the arguments.
But because of the fear of the fiery hyena perishable, the seal of hell,
New knowledge, contrary to dogmas, was recognized as heresy at the gangway of Christ fans.
And he himself is a nasty heretic and a vile bastard.
Tribunal and torture, beware, carrion.
We are waiting for the renunciation of your words, tear the treatises.
The old truth is sacred, cleanse the mind from the stench, unfaithful son.
But he was silent and did not even challenge the court verdict.
Purify without bloodshed as mercifully as possible.
As merciful as possible.
The heretic is the enemy of the general worldview.
He's branded, he's been persecuted forever
Carriers of pseudo-righteous opinions, absurd faith,
People who are afraid to stand out, to be white crows.