Nich quiet, holy nich!
Yasnіst b'є od zіrnits.
Ditinonka the Blessed,
Such a clear, mov Dawn,
Spochivaє quietly Tikhov tihіm snі.
Holy nich nastaє,
Yasny Bliscom s b'є sky,
In lyudskіm tili God Sin
Priysho ninі in Vifleєm
Dwellers save WHOLE's World.
Nich quiet, holy nich!
Oh, zіtri slozi s vіch,
Bo Xing yde God to us,
WHOLE's World lyubov'yu saved,
Vіtay us, the Holy Child!
Nich quiet, holy nich!
Yasnіst b'є od zіrnits.
Ditinonka the Blessed,
Such a clear, mov Dawn,
Spochivaє softly softly in tihіm snі.
Silent Night, holy night,
People are sleeping, the distance is pure;
Only in the cave candle burns;
There holy couple does not sleep,
In a manger dormant Child, Child in the manger lies dormant.
Silent Night, holy night,
Ozar height
Bright Angel flies down from heaven,
He brings news to the shepherds:
"You are the Christ was born, you Christ was born!"
Silent Night, holy night,
In heaven, burning star;
Shepherds in the long paths
Hurry to come to Bethlehem:
There you will see Christ, there will see Christ.
Silent Night, holy night,
Happiness waiting for all hearts.
God, let all come to Christ,
Joy light in him to find.
Eternal glory to Christ, eternal glory Christ!